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Hello everyone!

It’s Xmas already in every shop and store and I grow tired of “Rudolf” and Bing Crosby or Nat King Cole singing oldies goldies non stop.



(Picture : pinterest)


It’s been pretty hectic here those past 2 weeks, I have been editing the short stories in the final draft of the book.

The publisher had sent me the final lay out for approval , along with the covers. It was the final review.

Minor changes here and there, one typo to correct  and off we go!

The 1rst copy is currently being printed (yeeeeah) and once received by the publisher for final review, it’s a GO!

So I haven’t been musing around the blogosphere much, plus it’s Xmas time, so everyone is pretty much busy and social life is bursting with events of all kind.

Nevertheless, I have laid out the marketing plan, played with various ideas that I hope to be creative (how about a signing in a French café? ), friends have been supportive and already eager to order their copy and everything is about to set sail. I have planned a session with a professional photographer (ooooh), to stock some pictures in various locations (mainly in my study).

I’ve been speed reading 1001 ways to market your book, got a huge headache and have swallowed unreasonable amount of dark chocolate lately to fuel my energy.

Soon I ‘ll share with you a bit more about my “bundle of joy”.

Keep you posted, folks.


Deck the halls….falalalalala…